In [1]:
.container { width:100% }
In [2]:
import graphviz as gv
The function $\texttt{generateNN}(\texttt{name}, \texttt{Topology})$ takes a filename name
and a
network topology Topology
as its argument and draws a graph of the
resulting neural net. A network topology is a list of numbers specifying the number of neurons of each layer.
For example, the network topology [3, 8, 6, 2]
specifies a neural network with three layers of neurons.
The network has $3$ input nodes, the first hidden layer has $8$ neurons, the second hidden layer has $6$ neurons, and
the output layer has $2$ neurons.
In [3]:
def generateNN(name, Topology):
L = len(Topology)
input_layer = ['i' + str(i) for i in range(1, Topology[0]+1)]
hidden_layers = [['h' + str(k+1) + ',' + str(i) for i in range(1, s+1)]
for (k, s) in enumerate(Topology[1:-1])]
output_layer = ['o' + str(i) for i in range(1, Topology[-1]+1)]
nng = gv.Graph(name)
nng.attr(rankdir='LR', splines='false')
# create nodes for input layer
for n in input_layer:
nng.node(n, label='', shape='point', width='0.05')
# create nodes for hidden layers
for NodeList in hidden_layers:
for n in NodeList:
nng.node(n, label='', shape='circle', width='0.1')
# create nodes for output layer
for n in output_layer:
nng.node(n, label='', shape='circle', width='0.1')
# connect input layer to first hidden layer
for n1 in input_layer:
for n2 in hidden_layers[0]:
nng.edge(n1, n2)
# connect hidden layers d to hidden layer d+1
for d in range(0, L-3):
for n1 in hidden_layers[d]:
for n2 in hidden_layers[d+1]:
nng.edge(n1, n2)
# connect output layer
for n1 in hidden_layers[L-3]:
for n2 in output_layer:
nng.edge(n1, n2)
return nng
In [5]:
Topology = [3, 6, 4, 2]
In [6]:
nn1 = generateNN('nn1', Topology)
In [7]:
Topology = [8, 12, 8, 6, 3]
In [8]:
nn2 = generateNN('nn2', Topology)
In [ ]: